Life Is Not Fair
By Joy Adams
I just walked into my boys’ room and this is what I heard:
Six year old: Brother did you know that life is not fair?
Three year old: What?!
Six year old: Yeah, mommy told me that life is not fair, but she said that was okay.
Six year old: Did you know that it is okay brother?
Wow, it is amazing to realize just how much our children do listen. It took me a moment to remember, but my older son, who seems to remember everything, refreshed my memory of a moment nearly six months ago. We had been at Jumpity Bumpity (a popular indoor children’s party destination) for a birthday party and we were needing to leave early (prior to cake and presents) due to a previous engagement. When we left, my older soon, began to complain that “it was not fair” that we had to leave early. I began to explain to him that life was never meant to be fair and that was okay. I told him that even God Himself, full of love, and always just, had never promised to be fair. This is evident in the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30).
For the Kingdom of Heaven is like a man traveling to a far country who called his own servants and delivered his goods to them. And to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according to his own ability; and immediately he went on a journey.
Matthew 25:14-15 (NKJV)
When I had this conversation about life not being fair, I never imagined, roughly six months later, my six year old would be sharing, in love, this oh so important life lesson with my three year old. I am one proud mama right now.
One proud mama, and one convicted mama. Just earlier today, I was feeling sorry for myself. Complaining to God – my husband’s hours at work are too long, I am spread too thin, people have unrealistic expectations on me, life is harder than it should be, etc., etc.. Too often in life, I think we can convince ourselves that we got the short end of the stick. We are the servants that got only two, or maybe only one talent, when others in the same position received five. It is in these moments that we can either recognize that God is sovereign, loving, and just, or we can turn to self-pity and envy, polluting our relationship with both God and people. Today I choose God’s sovereignty recognizing that He never promised to be fair. He did however promise to “never leave me nor forsake me.” Life will have bumps in the road, but knowing that He is with me, brings me the perspective that I need.
Praying that God will reveal His sovereignty, goodness, and love to each of you today.
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