I recently published my first book, What My Parents Did Right. What My Parents Did Right is an easy to read, faith based, inspirational parenting book from the perspective of childhood memories. Within the pages, I recount the methods my parents used that have positively influenced my life, laying the foundation for what has now become multigenerational family health.
When I was a girl, I remember that my mom used to enjoy watching talk shows. There came a time, in which she pretty much stopped watching them entirely, because their content had changed. Shows that previously had been about interesting people or topics were now daily making money off of the dysfunction and misery of others. I remember many times, my mom remarking, that she did not understand why anyone would want to watch such shows. She would say, if I had a show, I would want to inspire people by having everyday real people who were pillars within their field or community. She would then go on to give examples of what she would want to see, and every time, her number one idea was: Healthy families who were succeeding at life. She would say that those were the people who should be given a platform, and that those were the people that she wanted influencing her life.
It was on this idea, the idea of giving a platform to healthy families, that planted the seeds that later birthed the desire within me to write this book.
The reality is, I had an extremely blessed childhood. My parents provided love, structure, and opportunities for me to grow. As I grew into an adult, I would often have people say, “How did you know to do that?” or “Where did you learn that?” and my answer was often, my parents. The more I encountered in life, the more I realized how well my parents had prepared me for the happy and healthy life I was living.
What My Parents Did Right, allows the reader to experience for themselves what a healthy family looks like, through the perspective of my childhood memories. From there I offer encouragement, scripture verses, and discussion questions to help the reader discover their own path to a healthy and happy family.
For those of you, who like me, had a healthy and happy childhood, this book should rekindle some of your own great memories and reignite your own passion for your family. For those who lacked the safety and warmth of a healthy family environment, this book will provide a starting place for you to create within your home, the healthy structure you always wanted.
There is so much I could tell you about the journey behind this book: the late nights typing, the countless edits, the months that would pass with my manuscript untouched. All the while, my focus, my dream remained constant. I wanted to inspire and promote families by sharing…What My Parents Did Right.

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Joy Adams has done an exceptional job providing inspiration and tools to strengthen every family. The concept alone of writing positive things one has learned from their parents is genius, but Joy Adams goes far beyond as she delivers pithy, practical truths with such clarity. She brings the stories to life so that they stick with you and leaves you with a way to apply the insights right away. This book is valuable to families of all ages and stages, and can even help the empty nesters among us who desire to strengthen all our relationships.
Shell Cowper-Smith; Family Coach, Youth Advocate & Foster parent since 1984
I loved What My Parents Did Right! I’ve never read a parenting book that was written from a personal experience like this one. I wish I had my hands on it years ago. There are several things from this book, I will take and implement with my kids. What I love most is that I know Joy Adams and her character–She is living proof that the truths in this book really work.
I had the pleasure of working with Joy Adams in youth ministry for several years and was able to see the fruit of the truths her parents planted in her life coming to fruition in her life. I also saw this fruit in the way she related to and taught our students and now in the way she pours into her own children
What My Parents Did Right is filled with principles and foundational truths that unfortunately most parents do not think to teach until there is an issue. The questions that she has at the end of the chapters along with the scripture verses, give parents the opportunity to reflect and make any adjustments based on what we may have learned. I love that this book is not Joy giving advice, but giving truths that actually worked, and she is a living example.
What My Parents Did Right is a must read for all parents.
Shanna Gil, mother of five
Reading this book What My Parents Did Right by author Joy Adams was like taking a breath of fresh air. What a testimony to share! The idea that as parents, you can leave a legacy for your children, even if your own parents fell short, is truly inspiring.
This book is not only a delight to read but it is also very informative especially for young couples raising their children, looking and seeking for ways to help guide them in a Godly way. This book would also be an awesome resource to share in small groups. As pastors for over 20 years we have had the opportunity to counsel many families throughout the years. The majority of people carry so much anguish and resentment from the past towards their parents. This book can be used to inspire parents to create a fresh path for their family and build a legacy.
You can be a game changer and be the parent you wanted for yourself.
Richard and Anna Salmeron, Senior Pastors – Luz de Valle church, Hayward California
What My Parents Did Right is an excellent resource to assist Christian parents in developing the skills needed to raise their children with values that align with the word of God. Author Joy Adams offers her beautiful testimony as an example to help guide families who may not have had the privilege in having a model to learn from. As a Marriage Family Therapist I have seen the struggles families have when they are unsure how to navigate issues related to culture, discipline, conflict, and finances. This guide is a valuable study for parents, small groups, or even a curriculum to use to teach from. Those who apply the tools will feel empowered to parent.
Anna Alvarez, Licensed Marriage Family Therapist with Cairo Counseling since 2008